Basic information   
Locus name AT1G01260
OrganismArabidopsis thaliana
Taxonomic identifier[NCBI]
Function categoryTranscription regulation:bHLH
Effect for Senescencedelay
Gene DescriptionJASMONATE ASSOCIATED MYC2 LIKE 2;basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) DNA-binding superfamily protein
EvidenceGenetic evidence [Ref 1]
1: Qi T, Wang J, Huang H, Liu B, Gao H, Liu Y, Song S, Xie D.
Regulation of Jasmonate-Induced Leaf Senescence by Antagonism between bHLH Subgroup IIIe and IIId Factors in Arabidopsis.
Plant Cell. 2015 Jun;27(6):1634-49. doi: 10.1105/tpc.15.00110. Epub 2015 Jun 12.

SequenceAT1G01260.1 | mRNA | CDS | Protein
AT1G01260.2 | mRNA | CDS | Protein
AT1G01260.3 | mRNA | CDS | Protein
Mutant information   
Mutant name bhlh03 bhlh13 bhlh14 bhlh17
Mutant/Transgenic mutant
Ecotype Col-0
Mutagenesis type cross
Mutant Image      
Loss of Function of the IIId bHLH Factors Accelerates JA-Induced Leaf Senescenc