Basic information   
GenBank ID HM992943.1
OrganismPeach (Prunus persica)
Taxonomic identifier[NCBI]
Function categorytranscription regulation:CBF
Effect for Senescencepromote
Gene DescriptionPrunus persica cultivar Loring C-repeat binding factor
EvidenceMolecular evidence [Ref 1]
1: Wisniewski M, Norelli J, Artlip T.
Overexpression of a peach CBF gene in apple: a model for understanding the integration of growth, dormancy, and cold hardiness in woody plants.
Front Plant Sci. 2015 Feb 27;6:85. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00085. eCollection 2015.

Mutant information   
Mutant name PpCBF1ox
Mutant/Transgenic transgene
Ecotype Peach (Prunus persica)
Mutagenesis type Transgenic