Basic information   
Locus name AT5G10360
OrganismArabidopsis thaliana
Taxonomic identifier[NCBI]
Function categorySignal transduction
Effect for Senescencepromote
Gene DescriptionEncodes a putative ribosomal protein S6 (rps6b). RPS6A and RPS6B are fully redundant and essential during gametogenesis.
EvidenceGenetic evidence [Ref 1]
1: Ren M, Venglat P, Qiu S, Feng L, Cao Y, Wang E, Xiang D, Wang J, Alexander D, Chalivendra S, Logan D, Mattoo A, Selvaraj G, Datla R.
Target of rapamycin signaling regulates metabolism, growth, and life span in Arabidopsis.
Plant Cell. 2012 Dec;24(12):4850-74. doi: 10.1105/tpc.112.107144. Epub 2012 Dec 28.

SequenceAT5G10360.1 | mRNA | CDS | Protein
AT5G10360.2 | mRNA | CDS | Protein
Mutant information   
Mutated 1
Mutant name rps6b (SALK_061539)
Mutant/Transgenic mutant
Ecotype Col-0
Mutagenesis type T-DNA
Mutated 2
Mutant name rps6b (SALK_061539)
Ecotype Col-0
Mutagenesis type T-DNA
Mutant Image      
rps6a and rps6b , had smaller leaves, slower root growth rate, delayed phase change, delayed flowering, and longer life span in comparison to the wild type.