Basic mutant information   
Mutant name MpSNAC67ox
Mutant/Transgenic transgene
Ecotype Banana (Musa x paradisiaca)
Mutagenesis type transgenic
(Semi-)Dominant/Recessive dominant
Description Transgenic banana lines overexpressing MpSNAC67 showed highly senesced phenotype including yellowing and de-greening of leaves similar to etiolated leaves. Transgenic leaves possessed low chlorophyll content and failed to retain normal chloroplast morphology including loss of granum thylakoid, non-uniform chloroplast membrane and increased number as well as size of plastoglobulins.
1: Tak H, Negi S, Gupta A, Ganapathi TR.
A stress associated NAC transcription factor MpSNAC67 from banana (Musa x paradisiaca) is involved in regulation of chlorophyll catabolic pathway.
Plant Physiol Biochem. 2018 Nov;132:61-71. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2018.08.020. Epub 2018 Aug 22.

Mutated genes   
GenBank ID MF347599
Alias MpSNAC67
Organism Banana (Musa paradisiaca)
Description A stress associated NAC transcription factor MpSNAC67 from banana (Musa x paradisiaca) is involved in regulation of chlorophyll catabolic pathway
Phenotype information   
Natural senescenceChlorophyll contentlow