Basic mutant information   
Mutant name SAG:kn1 tobacco plant
Mutant/Transgenic transgenic
Ecotype tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum cv Wisconsin 38)
Mutagenesis type transgene
(Semi-)Dominant/Recessive dominant
Description SAG:kn1 tobacco plants showed a marked delay in leaf senescence but otherwise developed normally. The delay in senescence was revealed by an increase in chlorophyll content in SAG:kn1 leaves relative to leaves of the control plants and by a decrease in the number of dead leaves.
1: Ori N, Juarez MT, Jackson D, Yamaguchi J, Banowetz GM, Hake S
Leaf senescence is delayed in tobacco plants expressing the maize homeobox gene knotted1 under the control of a senescence-activated promoter.
Plant Cell 1999 Jun;11(6):1073-80

Mutated genes   
GenBank ID NM_001111966
Alias KN1
Organism Maize (Zea mays)
Description Kn1 gene encodes a homeodomain-containing protein, the first identified in the plant kingdom. Sequence comparisons strongly suggest that Kn1 acts as a transcription factor. Distal expression of knotted1 in maize leaves leads to reestablishment of proximal/distal patterning and leaf dissection.The maize transcription factor KNOTTED1 directly regulates the gibberellin catabolism gene ga2ox1.The interaction of knotted1 and thick tassel dwarf1 in vegetative and reproductive meristems of maize
Phenotype information   
Natural senescenceChlorophyll contenthigh
Leaf colorgreen