Basic mutant information   
Mutant name SINAL7ox
Mutant/Transgenic transgene
Ecotype Col-0
Mutagenesis type transgenic
(Semi-)Dominant/Recessive dominant
Description Over-expression of SINAL7 increases biomass and drought tolerance, and also delays senescence in Arabidopsis.
1: Peralta DA, Araya A, Gomez-Casati DF, Busi MV.
Over-expression of SINAL7 increases biomass and drought tolerance, and also delays senescence in Arabidopsis.
J Biotechnol. 2018 Oct 10;283:11-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2018.07.013. Epub 2018 Jul 9.

Mutated genes   
Locus name At5g37890
Alias SINAL7
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Description encodes a RING finger protein belonging to the SINA superfamily that possesses E3 ubiquitin-ligase activity.
Phenotype information   
Natural senescenceChlorophyll contenthigh