Basic mutant information   
Mutant name ap2
Mutant/Transgenic mutant
Ecotype Col-0
Mutagenesis type T-DNA
(Semi-)Dominant/Recessive recessive
Description ap2-170 mutation caused a significantly delayed GPA compared to wild-type
1: Balanz_ V, Martinez-Fernandez I, Sato S, Yanofsky MF, Kaufmann K, Angenent GC, Bemer M, Ferrandiz C.
Genetic control of meristem arrest and life span in Arabidopsis by a FRUITFULL-APETALA2 pathway.
Nat Commun. 2018 Feb 8;9(1):565. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03067-5.

Mutated genes   
Locus name AT4G36920
Alias AP2
Organism Arabidopsis thaliana
Description APETALA 2Encodes a floral homeotic gene, a member of the AP2/EREBP (ethylene responsive element binding protein) class of transcription factors and is involved in the specification of floral organ identity
Phenotype information   
Natural senescenceChlorophyll contenthigh