Basic mutant information   
Mutant name cZOGT1-ox
Mutant/Transgenic transgenic
Ecotype rice
Mutagenesis type transgene
(Semi-)Dominant/Recessive dominant
Description with delay senescence phenotype
1: Kudo T, Makita N, Kojima M, Tokunaga H, Sakakibara H
Cytokinin activity of cis-zeatin and phenotypic alterations induced by overexpression of putative cis-Zeatin-O-glucosyltransferase in rice.
Plant Physiol. 2012 Sep;160(1):319-31

Mutated genes   
Locus name LOC_Os04g46980
Alias cZOGT1
Organism Rice (Oryza sativa)
Description cZ(cis-Zeatin)-O-glucosyltransferases.The cZOGTs preferentially catalyzed O-glucosylation of cZ and cZ-riboside rather than tZ and tZ-riboside in vitro. cis-zeatin)
Phenotype information   
Natural senescenceChlorophyll contenthigh