DVsc an automated framework for Detecting Viral infection


  1. Download profile[Link] and source code[Link] of DVsc. One should also download the human reference[Link], virus reference[Link] and virus annotationVirus annotation databases[Link] databases 

  2. Set up the conda environment. Note that {download_dir} is the path you download the files
	conda create --name DVsc --file {download_dir}/environment.txt
	conda activate DVsc

      3. Run Here we take the demo data as examples. the demo data can be download from

        # Single-cell RNAseq
python analysis.py --input demosc_1.fastq,demosc_2.fastq --sample demosc --seqmethod scRNAseq \ --outpath ./demosc --barcodenum 16 --uminum 10 --humdb {download_dir}/homoDB --virdb {download_dir}/virusDB \ --annotatefile {download_dir}/virusanno.txt
# Bulk RNAseq
python analysis.py --input demobulk.fastq --sample demosc --seqmethod bulkRNAseq \ --outpath ./demosc --barcodenum 16 --uminum 10 --humdb {download_dir}/homoDB --virdb {download_dir}/virusDB \ --annotatefile {download_dir}/virusanno.txt