About Variants

iDog houses the variation information of dog/wolf genomes. It was designed and constructed as a SNPs detector and visualization tool to provide the research community a useful resource for the study of dog's population, evolution, phenotype and life habit. In the current version, DogSD contains 71 millions non-redundant SNPs called from 722 individual samples and 6 millions ancient SNPs called from 27 individual samples.

Current Dataset

Dataset Data type #Individuals #Unique SNP #SNP affected AA changed BioProject Load date
Dataset1 DNA 78 19,333,098 - - 2014-06-01
Dataset2 DNA 127 42,871,184 325,982 PRJCA000282 2018-06-01
Dataset3 DNA 722 71,050,194 947,203 PRJNA448733 2021-05-25
Dataset4 Ancient DNA 27 6,544,496 40,061 PRJEB38079 2021-05-25



The BAM,Fastq and VCF files can be accessed via FTP


How to use variants data

Data provider

The VCF,Fastq,BAM data provided by Yaping Zhang's Lab in Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ), Chinese Academic of Sciences (CAS).