Download data
4.vcf file
Note: The following list provides the download links for several individual samples. Although it can be downloaded directly, we do not recommend you to do this because of large data size. You can download the data by following instructions:
Under linux environment: use wget command
such as wget -r
Under windows environment: use FTP tool(FileZilla)
host: username: anonymous password: anonymous
If you connect successfully, then change to the path dogsd.
Under linux environment: use wget command
such as wget -r
Under windows environment: use FTP tool(FileZilla)
host: username: anonymous password: anonymous
If you connect successfully, then change to the path dogsd.
File name | MD5 |
Filtred_Published.vcf.bz2 | 82b87aaccfca0d0f8f315dfa300cad33 |
SRZ189891_722g.990.SNP.INDEL.chrAll.vcf.gz | 79320e152a583cc0a36d3ecb94da20f2 |
We have 127 gvcf files of each sample, and split them by chromosome. Then we used GenotypeGVCFs command of GATK pipeline to get vcf files for each chromosome. Finally, we used CatVariants command to merge all chromosome files and get the whole vcf file which includes 127 samples.