Disease Description: A cancer arising from glands which secrete fluids (such as mammary glands).
Inherit Mode: -
Disease Symptom: -
Disease Cause: -
Disease Diagnose: Like any other cancer, the diagnostic techniques consist of a fine needle aspiration for microscopic examination of cell samples also called ‘cytology’. But histopathology is more important since the microscopic examination of specially prepared and stained tissue sections offers a better diagnosis. This is done at a specialized laboratory where the slides are examined by a veterinary pathologist. This information helps in determining the prognosis. It is also useful in deciding the course of action. Histopathology also rules out the presence of other cancers.
Treat Method: The treatment of choice for sweat gland and ceruminous gland adenocarcinomas is complete surgical excision. If it is a neoplasm of the ear canal, complete ear ablation may be necessary.
Breeder Advice: -
Disease Description Source: Link