The detail information of Short spine
Basic Information

Disease Description: A spine that is abnormally short for the breed in question.

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: The condition has many characteristic abnormalities, with the vertebral bodies remaining in a relative cartilage state instead of transitioning to traditional bone. This leads to compression of the vertebral bodies and shortening of the entire length of the vertebral column. Typically, the lumbar spine slopes downward towards the pelvis and the tail is often in a corkscrew appearance. Because the limbs are often normal length, the patient will appear to be compressed in nose to tail direction but maintain a relatively normal height. Dogs with Short Spine Syndrome may be missing ribs, they can have "vertebral body instability," herniated discs, and "compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots."

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: -

Treat Method: -

Breeder Advice: -

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
Disease Name Other Name Mode of inheritance Link ID Possible OMIM ID Gene
Short spine - - - -
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB123 Hamiltonstovare(Hamilton Hound) Agile, Versatile, Regal 53-61cm (male) 49-57cm (female) 18-26kg Sweden
1968 Hansen,H.J.: :
Historical evidence of an unusual deformity in dogs ("short-spine dog"). J Small Anim Pract 9:103-8, 1968.
Pubmed reference: 4870119 .
1965 Hansen,H.J.: :
[Historical evidence concerning a rare malformation in the dog ('short spine dog') Nordisk Veterinaermedicin 17:44-49, 1965.