The detail information of Intersex
OMIA Basic Information

Possible human homologues (MIM numbers): -

Mendelian trait/disorder: unknown

Mode of inheritance: -

Considered a defect: yes

Year key mutation first reported: -

Species-specific name: -

Species-specific symbol: -

More detail information can see in

Associated Breeds
There are associated breeds.
Associated Gene
There are no associated genes.
Note: the references are listed in reverse chronological order (from the most recent year to the earliest year), and alphabetically by first author within a year.
2000 Volpe,P.,Izzo,B.,Di,Meo,G.P.,Perucatti,A.,Iannuzzi,L.: :
Male pseudohermaphroditism in a dog: a clinical case Veterinary Record 146:532-533, 2000.
Pubmed reference: 11321217 .
1999 Metcalfe,S.S.,Ferguson,R.G.: :
Diagnosis and management of hermaphroditism in the dog Australian Veterinary Practitioner 29:104-+, 1999.
1996 Gotthelf,L.N.,Barnett,T.: :
Male pseudohermaphroditism in a dog Veterinary Medicine 91:308, 1996.
1993 Peter,A.T.,Markwelder,D.,Asem,E.K.: :
Phenotypic Feminization in a Genetic Male Dog Caused by Nonfunctional Androgen Receptors Theriogenology 40:1093-1105, 1993.
1992 Nemzek,J.A.,Homco,L.D.,Wheaton,L.G.,Grman,G.L.: :
Cystic Ovaries and Hyperestrogenism in a Canine Female Pseudohermaphrodite Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 28:402-406, 1992.
1991 Chaffaux,S.,Cribiu,E.P.: :
Clinical, Histological and Cytogenetic Observations on 9 Intersex Dogs Genetics Selection Evolution 23:S81-S84, 1991.
1991 Sinzinger,W.,Gutbrod,F.: :
Congenital Hermaphrodism in a Yorkshire Terrier Praktische Tierarzt 72:597-598, 1991.
1991 Sommer,M.M.,Meyers-Wallen,V.N.: :
XX true hermaphroditism in a Dog Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198:435-438, 1991.
Pubmed reference: 2010338 .
1990 Chaffaux,S.,Cribiu,E.P.: :
Female Pseudo-Hermaphroditism in 3 Bitches from One Litter Recueil de Medecine Veterinaire 166:407-410, 1990.
1990 Chaffaux,S.,Nudelmann,N.,Durand,V.,Cribiu,E.P.: :
Male Pseudohermaphroditism - A Case of a 78,XX Intersex Recueil de Medecine Veterinaire 166:125-132, 1990.
1990 Fitzgerald,A.L.,Murphy,D.A.: :
Bilateral Ovotestes in an Intersex, Mixed Breed Dog Laboratory Animal Science 40:647-650, 1990.
Pubmed reference: 2172637 .
1990 Sobti,V.K.,Singh,S.,Rathore,S.S.: :
Surgical Removal of a Clitoral Os-Penis from a Doberman Pup Indian Veterinary Journal 67:277, 1990.
1987 Hogan,L.S.,Craig,L.D.: :
Male pseudohermaphroditism in a Cocker Spaniel Modern Veterinary Practice 68:29?, 1987.
1986 Chaffaux,S.,Cribiu,E.P.,Crespeau,F.: :
[A rare case of true lateral hermaphroditism in a 78,XX bitch] Recueil de Medecine Veterinaire 162:463-470, 1986.
1986 Nomura,K.: :
[Canine male pseudohermaphroditism with female chromosomal pattern] Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association 39:520-524, 1986.
1968 Edols,J.H.,Allan,G.S.: :
A case of male pseudohermaphroditism in a Cocker Spaniel Australian Veterinary Journal 44:287-290, 1968.
Pubmed reference: 5690592 .