Basic information   
GenBank ID AF420319
OrganismRice (Oryza sativa)
Taxonomic identifier[NCBI]
Function categoryHormone response pathway:ET
Effect for Senescencedelay
Gene DescriptionAn ethylene receptor in rice.
EvidenceGenetic evidence:Transgene and mutant [Ref 1]
1: Wuriyanghan H, Zhang B, Cao WH, Ma B, Lei G, Liu YF, Wei W, Wu HJ, Chen LJ, Chen HW, Cao YR, He SJ, Zhang WK, Wang XJ, Chen SY, Zhang JS
The ethylene receptor ETR2 delays floral transition and affects starch accumulation in rice.
Plant Cell 2009 May;21(5):1473-94

Gene Ontology
biological process
cellular component
molecular function
SequenceAF420319.2 | mRNA | CDS | Protein
Mutant information   
Mutated 1
Mutant name OsETR2-Overexpressing Plant
Mutant/Transgenic transgenic
Ecotype Japonica rice (Oryza sativa)
Mutagenesis type transgene
Mutated 2
Mutant name OsETR2-RNAi Lines
Mutant/Transgenic transgenic
Ecotype Japonica rice (Oryza sativa)
Mutagenesis type RNAi
miRNA Interaction      
target: AF420319 
miRNA: osa-miR1424
miRNA: osa-miR1424
mfe: -25.3 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.047598 

position:  1576 
target 5' C        G     A  C    A 3' 
miRNA  3'          G             A 5' 
Cross Link      
DatabaseEntry IDE-valueStartEndInterPro IDDescription
PIRSFPIRSF0263890.01763IPR014525Signal transduction histidine kinase, hybrid-type, ethylene sensor
PANTHERPTHR244233.2E-2999762No hitNA
PfamPF015909.9E-11190339IPR003018GAF domain
SMARTSM000651.6E-5190349IPR003018GAF domain
SUPERFAMILYSSF557816.9E-9193342No hitNA
ProSiteProfilesPS5010917.5382615IPR005467Signal transduction histidine kinase, core
SUPERFAMILYSSF558742.8E-7429611IPR003594Histidine kinase-like ATPase, ATP-binding domain
SUPERFAMILYSSF521723.7E-25636761IPR011006CheY-like superfamily
SMARTSM004481.0E-15640756IPR001789Signal transduction response regulator, receiver domain
ProSiteProfilesPS5011020.3641760IPR001789Signal transduction response regulator, receiver domain
PfamPF000722.2E-12642755IPR001789Signal transduction response regulator, receiver domain