Basic information   
Locus name AT1G06400
OrganismArabidopsis thaliana
Taxonomic identifier[NCBI]
Function categorySignal transduction
Effect for Senescenceunclear
Gene DescriptionARA-2; FUNCTIONS IN: GTP binding; INVOLVED IN: protein transport, small GTPase mediated signal transduction;. Gene expression is increased during leaf senescence.
EvidenceGenomic evidence:microarray data [Ref 1]
1: Breeze E, Harrison E, McHattie S, Hughes L, Hickman R, Hill C, Kiddle S, Kim YS, Penfold CA, Jenkins D, Zhang C, Morris K, Jenner C, Jackson S, Thomas B, Tabrett A, Legaie R, Moore JD, Wild DL, Ott S, Rand D, Beynon J, Denby K, Mead A, Buchanan-Wollaston
High-resolution temporal profiling of transcripts during Arabidopsis leaf senescence reveals a distinct chronology of processes and regulation.
Plant Cell 2011 Mar;23(3):873-94

Gene Ontology
biological process
molecular function
SequenceAT1G06400.1 | Genomic | mRNA | CDS | Protein
Cross Link      
DatabaseEntry IDE-valueStartEndInterPro IDDescription
PANTHERPTHR240731.3E-1194216No hitNA
SUPERFAMILYSSF525403.5E-588179IPR027417P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase
ProSiteProfilesPS5141927.29214No hitNA
SMARTSM001735.8E-2611177IPR020849Small GTPase superfamily, Ras type
TIGRFAMTIGR002311.3E-3812170IPR005225Small GTP-binding protein domain
PRINTSPR004491.0E-421435IPR001806Small GTPase superfamily
SMARTSM001757.5E-11014177IPR003579Small GTPase superfamily, Rab type
PfamPF000712.3E-6115175IPR001806Small GTPase superfamily
SMARTSM001743.6E-1216176IPR003578Small GTPase superfamily, Rho type
SMARTSM001762.2E-519199IPR002041Ran GTPase
PRINTSPR004491.0E-423753IPR001806Small GTPase superfamily
PRINTSPR004491.0E-425577IPR001806Small GTPase superfamily
PRINTSPR004491.0E-42117130IPR001806Small GTPase superfamily
PRINTSPR004491.0E-42152174IPR001806Small GTPase superfamily
Subcellular Localization   
Pubmed ID23180787