Basic information   
Locus name AT1G74710
OrganismArabidopsis thaliana
Taxonomic identifier[NCBI]
Function category
Effect for Senescencepromote
EvidenceGenetic evidence [Ref 1]
1: Guo P, Li Z, Huang P, Li B, Fang S, Chu J, Guo H.
A Tripartite Amplification Loop Involving the Transcription Factor WRKY75, Salicylic Acid, and Reactive Oxygen Species Accelerates Leaf Senescence.
Plant Cell. 2017 Nov;29(11):2854-2870. doi: 10.1105/tpc.17.00438. Epub 2017 Oct 23.

Gene Ontology
biological process
molecular function
Sampling Buchanan-Wollaston V, Page T, Harrison E, Breeze E, Lim PO, Nam HG, Lin JF, Wu SH, Swidzinski J, Ishizaki K, Leaver CJ.
Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals significant differences in gene expression and signalling pathways between developmental and dark/starvation-induced senescence in Arabidopsis.
Plant J. 2005 May;42(4)
Comparation Legends:
Col: wild type, indicates the ratio of expression in senescing leaves/green leaves.
NahG, coi1 and ein2: indicates the ratio of expression in senescing leaves of mutant/senescing wild type.
D/L: ratio of DARK 5d/control.
Genes showing at least 3 fold (ratio) up regulation during leaf senescence.
miRNA Interaction      
target: AT1G74710.1 
miRNA: ath-miR773
miRNA: ath-miR773
mfe: -30.1 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.003861 

position:  1689 
target 5' A       U            C 3' 
miRNA  3'         U            U 5' 

target: AT1G74710.1 
miRNA: ath-miR835-5p
miRNA: ath-miR835-5p
mfe: -26.1 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.003640 

position:  1569 
target 5' C      G              C 3' 
miRNA  3'                       U 5' 

target: AT1G74710.2 
miRNA: ath-miR773
miRNA: ath-miR773
mfe: -30.1 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.004014 

position:  1688 
target 5' A       U            C 3' 
miRNA  3'         U            U 5' 

target: AT1G74710.2 
miRNA: ath-miR835-5p
miRNA: ath-miR835-5p
mfe: -26.1 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.003764 

position:  1568 
target 5' C      G              C 3' 
miRNA  3'                       U 5' 
Ortholog Group      
Ortholog Groups: OG5_132914
NP_001154351Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_173321Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_565090Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_974143 ( AT1G74710 ) Arabidopsis thaliana
CMV114CCyanidioschyzon merolae strain 10D
120595Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
NP_001062984Oryza sativa Japonica Group
e_gw1.24.30.1Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
30147.m014077Ricinus communis
thaps1_ua_kg.chr_8000085Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335
XP_002954494Volvox carteri f. nagariensis
XP_002954495Volvox carteri f. nagariensis
Cross Link      
DatabaseEntry IDE-valueStartEndInterPro IDDescription
PANTHERPTHR112361.5E-30312560No hitNA
SUPERFAMILYSSF563221.2E-80154559IPR005801ADC synthase
TIGRFAMTIGR005431.7E-124199556IPR004561Isochorismate synthase
PfamPF004252.4E-60295549IPR015890Chorismate binding, C-terminal
Mutant Image      
mutation of SID2 delays leaf senescence.   
Subcellular Localization   
Pubmed ID23180787