Basic information   
Locus name At2g40740
OrganismArabidopsis thaliana
Taxonomic identifier[NCBI]
Function category
Effect for Senescencepromote
Gene DescriptionWRKY55 is predominantly expressed in senescent leaves and encodes a transcriptional activator localized to nuclei.
EvidenceGenetic evidence [Ref 1]
1: Wang Y, Cui X, Yang B, Xu S, Wei X, Zhao P, Niu F, Sun M, Wang C, Cheng H, Jiang YQ.
WRKY55 transcription factor positively regulates leaf senescence and the defense response by modulating the transcription of genes implicated in the biosynthesis of reactive oxygen species and salicylic acid in Arabidopsis
Development. 2020 Aug 18;147(16):dev189647. doi: 10.1242/dev.189647.

Gene Ontology
biological process
molecular function
Ortholog Group      
Ortholog Groups: OG5_177325
NP_001078033Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_181606 ( At2g40740 ) Arabidopsis thaliana
29729.m002330Ricinus communis
29729.m002370Ricinus communis
Cross Link      
DatabaseEntry IDE-valueStartEndInterPro IDDescription
PANTHERPTHR312821.3E-17148254No hitNA
SUPERFAMILYSSF1182903.5E-25169233IPR003657DNA-binding WRKY
SMARTSM007741.6E-35172234IPR003657DNA-binding WRKY
PfamPF031066.5E-25173232IPR003657DNA-binding WRKY
ProSiteProfilesPS5081120.1173230IPR003657DNA-binding WRKY
Mutant Image      
wrky55 mutant exhibited normal senescence.   
Subcellular Localization   
Pubmed ID23180787