Basic information   
GenBank ID AB037595
OrganismRice (Oryza sativa)
Taxonomic identifier[NCBI]
Function categoryProtein degradation/modification:cytosolic glutamine synthetase
Effect for Senescencedelay
Gene DescriptionSevere reduction in growth rate and grain filling of rice mutants lacking OsGS1;1, a cytosolic glutamine synthetase1;1
EvidenceGenetic evidence:Mutant [Ref 1, Ref 2, Ref 3, Ref 4, Ref 5, Ref 6, Ref 7, Ref 8]
1: Kamachi K, Yamaya T, Mae T, Ojima K
A Role for Glutamine Synthetase in the Remobilization of Leaf Nitrogen during Natural Senescence in Rice Leaves.
Plant Physiol. 1991 Jun;96(2):411-7

2: Tabuchi M, Sugiyama K, Ishiyama K, Inoue E, Sato T, Takahashi H, Yamaya T
Severe reduction in growth rate and grain filling of rice mutants lacking OsGS1;1, a cytosolic glutamine synthetase1;1.
Plant J. 2005 Jun;42(5):641-51

3: Kamachi K, Yamaya T, Hayakawa T, Mae T, Ojima K
Changes in Cytosolic Glutamine Synthetase Polypeptide and its mRNA in a Leaf Blade of Rice Plants during Natural Senescence.
Plant Physiol. 1992 Apr;98(4):1323-9

4: Kamachi K, Yamaya T, Hayakawa T, Mae T, Ojima K
Vascular bundle-specific localization of cytosolic glutamine synthetase in rice leaves.
Plant Physiol. 1992 Aug;99(4):1481-6

5: Sakurai N, Katayama Y, Yamaya T
Overlapping expression of cytosolic glutamine synthetase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in immature leaf blades of rice.
Physiol Plant 2001 Nov;113(3):400-408

6: Ishiyama K, Inoue E, Tabuchi M, Yamaya T, Takahashi H
Biochemical background and compartmentalized functions of cytosolic glutamine synthetase for active ammonium assimilation in rice roots.
Plant Cell Physiol. 2004 Nov;45(11):1640-7

7: Sun H, Huang QM, Su J
Highly effective expression of glutamine synthetase genes GS1 and GS2 in transgenic rice plants increases nitrogen-deficiency tolerance.
Zhi Wu Sheng Li Yu Fen Zi Sheng Wu Xue Xue Bao 2005 Oct;31(5):492-8

8: Cai H, Zhou Y, Xiao J, Li X, Zhang Q, Lian X
Overexpressed glutamine synthetase gene modifies nitrogen metabolism and abiotic stress responses in rice.
Plant Cell Rep. 2009 Mar;28(3):527-37

Gene Ontology
biological process
molecular function
SequenceAB037595.1 | mRNA | CDS | Protein
Mutant information   
Mutant name OsGS1;1-knockout mutant
Mutant/Transgenic transgenic
Ecotype rice (O. sativa L. cv. Nipponbare)
Mutagenesis type En-1/Spm-transposon
miRNA Interaction      
target: AB037595 
miRNA: osa-miR812a
miRNA: osa-miR812a
mfe: -27.3 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.008152 

position:  607 
target 5' U              C       G 3' 
miRNA  3' C     G A                5' 

target: AB037595 
miRNA: osa-miR812b
miRNA: osa-miR812b
mfe: -27.3 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.006779 

position:  607 
target 5' U              C       G 3' 
miRNA  3' C     G A                5' 

target: AB037595 
miRNA: osa-miR812c
miRNA: osa-miR812c
mfe: -27.3 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.007373 

position:  607 
target 5' U              C       G 3' 
miRNA  3' C     G A                5' 

target: AB037595 
miRNA: osa-miR812d
miRNA: osa-miR812d
mfe: -27.3 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.008247 

position:  607 
target 5' U              C       G 3' 
miRNA  3' C     G A                5' 

target: AB037595 
miRNA: osa-miR812e
miRNA: osa-miR812e
mfe: -27.3 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.008101 

position:  607 
target 5' U              C       G 3' 
miRNA  3' C     G A                5' 
Ortholog Group      
Ortholog Groups: OG5_127569
NP_001031969Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_001078639Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_175280Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_176794Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_188409Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_198413Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_198576Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_568335Arabidopsis thaliana
CMI233CCyanidioschyzon merolae strain 10D
129468Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
133971Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
136895Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
ACO63243Micromonas sp. RCC299
NP_001048045 ( AB037595 ) Oryza sativa Japonica Group
NP_001049424Oryza sativa Japonica Group
NP_001051067Oryza sativa Japonica Group
NP_001054133Oryza sativa Japonica Group
e_gw1.241.101.1Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
e_gw1.40.194.1Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
estExt_fgenesh1_kg.C_190003Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_190154Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
estExt_fgenesh1_pm.C_3450002Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
estExt_gwp_gw1.C_3450001Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
29675.m000392Ricinus communis
29726.m003921Ricinus communis
estExt_fgenesh1_kg.C_chr_220004Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335
XP_002947417Volvox carteri f. nagariensis
XP_002947554Volvox carteri f. nagariensis
XP_002956198Volvox carteri f. nagariensis
Cross Link      
DatabaseEntry IDE-valueStartEndInterPro IDDescription
PANTHERPTHR208523.5E-1869352No hitNA
SUPERFAMILYSSF543681.1E-1815102IPR008147Glutamine synthetase, beta-Grasp
PfamPF039511.8E-192097IPR008147Glutamine synthetase, beta-Grasp
ProSitePatternsPS00180NA5572IPR027302Glutamine synthetase, N-terminal conserved site
SUPERFAMILYSSF559315.7E-69103351No hitNA
PfamPF001202.1E-63104350IPR008146Glutamine synthetase, catalytic domain
ProSitePatternsPS00181NA237253IPR027303Glutamine synthetase, glycine-rich site