Basic mutant information   
Mutant name OsDOSOE
Mutant/Transgenic transgenic
Ecotype Rice (Oryza sativa)
Mutagenesis type transgene
(Semi-)Dominant/Recessive dominant
Description delayed senescence
1: Kong Z, Li M, Yang W, Xu W, Xue Y
A novel nuclear-localized CCCH-type zinc finger protein, OsDOS, is involved in delaying leaf senescence in rice.
Plant Physiol. 2006 Aug;141(4):1376-88

Mutated genes   
GenBank ID NM_001048811
Alias OsDOS
Organism Rice (Oryza sativa)
Description The expression of OsDOS was down-regulated during natural leaf senescence, panicle development, and pollination. RNAi knockdown of OsDOS caused an accelerated age-dependent leaf senescence, whereas its overexpression produced a marked delay of leaf senescence.
Phenotype information   
Natural senescenceChlorophyll contenthigh
Leaf colorgreen