Accession PRJCA010408
Title The chromosome-scale assembly of the Rosmarinus officinalis genome reveals insights into carnosic acid
Relevance Agricultural
Data types Whole genome sequencing
Transcriptome or Gene expression
Genome sequencing and assembly
Organisms Salvia rosmarinus
Description The chromosome-scale assembly of the Rosmarinus officinalis genome reveals insights into carnosic acid
Sample scope Monoisolate
Release date 2022-09-18
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) General Program 31871222
Guangdong Basic and Applied Research Major Program 2019B030302006
Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong 2018B030308002
Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong 2019A1515110330
Guangdong Modern Agro-industry Technology Research System 2021KJ114
Submitter Danlu Han (
Organization South China Normal University
Submission date 2022-07-05

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (16)  show -
GSA (5) -
CRA007791 Hi-C for chromosome-scale assembly of the Rosmarinus officinalis genome
CRA007706 Transcriptome sequencing of rosemary samples from different tissues
CRA007707 PacBio SMRT sequencing for the chromosome-scale assembly of the Rosmarinus officinalis genome
CRA007476 Rosmarinus officinalis genome survey by Whole Genome Sequencing(WGS)
CRA007482 RNA-seq for chromosome-scale assembly of the Rosmarinus officinalis genome