e.g., PRJCA000229; PRJNA784038; human
Accession PRJCA000168
Title Analysis of genome and transcirptome (XDA08020103-1)
Umbrella project

MMDB: Molecular Module-based Designer Breeding Systems

XDA08020000: Analysis of module systems and their coupling effects

XDA08020100: High-throughput analysis of molecular module systems

XDA08020103: Analysis of molecular module systems for drought tolerance in rice

Data types Whole genome sequencing
Organisms Oryza rufipogon
Oryza nivara
Oryza sativa
Description We sampled 176 accessions of the wild ancestral species of Asian cultivated rice Oryza sativa, including 66 of annual O. nivara and 110 of perennial O. rufipogon from the mainly growing areas of the two species. For comparison's purpose, we also sampled 24 accessions of O. sativa. For each accession, genomic DNA was isolated from fresh or silica gel-dried leaves of a single plant using the CTAB method. Paired-end sequencing libraries with insert sizes of 500 bp were constructed and sequenced 90, 100 or 125 bp from both ends for each sample. The sequencing coverage was approximately 4-6 folds for wild samples and more than 10 folds for cultivated accessions. We have mapped all raw sequenced data to the rice reference genome of IRGSP Build 5 and obtained more than 17 million high-quality SNP, which will be used to studying the adaptive mechanism of drought tolerance in the wild ancestral species at a genome-wide scale.
Sample scope Multiisolate
Release date 2030-12-01
Submitter Jie    Guo  (guojie@ibcas.ac.cn)
Organization Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission date 2016-02-17

Project Data

Resource name (Count) File Size (MB)
BioSample (200) -
GSA (1) -
CRA000058 451,968.68