e.g., PRJCA000229; PRJNA784038; human
Accession PRJCA003411
Title Chilling-treated transcriptome in NIP, 93-11, and CSSL4-1
Umbrella project

MMDB: Molecular Module-based Designer Breeding Systems

XDA08010000: Dissection of molecular modules

XDA08010200: Dissection of molecular modules for stable yield

XDA08010202: Dissection of molecular modules for stress tolerance in rice

Data types Transcriptome or Gene expression
Organisms Oryza sativa
Description we performed global transcriptome and metabolic profiling in Nipponbare (NIP), 93-11 and CSSL4-1 (a near-isogenic line in 93-11 background with NIP segment) at a series of time points of chilling stress. We observed a significant time-lag response between these two levels, indicating the regulation from transcriptional level to the metabolic response. Among several candidate metabolites, we explored tocopherol and vitamin K1 pathways in chloroplast may play vital roles in chilling stress response in rice. Further overexpression and knock-out of COLD1, the major gene in CSSL4-1, could effectively change the concentration of α-tocopherol, so as to improve the cold tolerance. Therefore, in this study, our systemic analysis at the transcriptional and metabolic levels partially explains the causes of the different tolerances between japonica and indica rice and will facilitate our understanding of the rice adaptation mechanism to low temperature environments.
Sample scope Multiisolate
Release date 2021-07-07
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
34289369 Integrated global analysis reveals a vitamin E-vitamin K1 sub-network, downstream of COLD1, underlying rice chilling tolerance divergence Cell Reports 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109397 2021
Submitter Luo    Wei  (luowei@ibcas.ac.cn)
Organization Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission date 2020-09-08

Project Data

Resource name (Count) File Size (MB)
BioSample (12) -
GSA (1) -
CRA003197 47,641.64