e.g., SAMC013103; SAMN23469633; human
Accession SAMC3092841
Accession in Other Database GSA-Human: HRS955467
Sample name NHT_4-1
Title Huatudong
Sample type Human sample
Organism Homo sapiens
Description petrous (aDNA)
Isolate not collected
Biomaterial provider Nandan Institute of Cultural Relics
Sex male
Tissue skull
Cell line
Cell subtype
Cell type
Culture collection
Development stage
Disease stage
Health State
Collection date 2020-07-01
Custom attributes
Release date 2024-07-08
BioProject Accession PRJCA020180
Submitter Chuan-Chao  Wang  (wang@xmu.edu.cn)
Organization Institute of Anthropology
Submission date 2023-10-04

Sample Data

Resource name Description
GSA-Human (1) -
HRA005681  (Open Access) Cave burial has been prevalent in southern China for thousands of years. The population history and the genetic contribution of cave burial groups to the formation of present-day southern minorities are largely unknown due to the lack of ancient genomic data. Here, we present the genomic data from 4 ancient individuals from cave burial sites from the Late Yuan to Ming dynasties in Guangxi. We observed a close genetic affinity between the four individuals and published contemporaneous cave burial samples. However, our samples received gene flows from northern East Asians compared to the cave burial groups around 1600-1400 years ago. We identified a strong genetic link between these ancient cave burial groups and present-day Hmong-Mien-speaking populations, particularly the geographically adjacent Baiku Yao population, indicating population stability in the mountainous region of southern China over the past few centuries.
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