全基因组关联分析 / GWAS

授课教师:贾佩林 教授 北京 基因组研究所 (All materials and contents are provided courtesy by Prof. Peilin Jia, Beijing Institute of Genomics Chinese Academy of Sciences.)

章节 / Chapter题目 / TitlePDF
第01章GWAS和复杂疾病介绍-1/Genomics: Introduction of GWAS and Complex Diseases IView
第02章GWAS和复杂疾病介绍-2/Genomics: Introduction of GWAS and Complex Diseases IIView
第03章GWAS数据的Gene-set分析/Gene-set Analyses of GWAS dataView
第04章Post-GWAS分析-1/Post-GWAS Analysis IView
第05章Post-GWAS分析-2/Post-GWAS Analysis IIView

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