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Individual Accession | Individual Name | Gender | Sample Accession | Sample Name | Sample Description |
Individual Accession | Individual Name | Gender | Sample Accession | Sample Name | Sample Description |
HRI290969 | LCL5 | female | HRS461829 | FDU_Quartet_DNA_D5_20160806 | B lymphocyte from human |
female | HRS461833 | FDU_Quartet_DNA_D5_20171028 | B lymphocyte from human | ||
HRI290970 | LCL6 | female | HRS461830 | FDU_Quartet_DNA_D6_20160806 | B lymphocyte from human |
female | HRS461834 | FDU_Quartet_DNA_D6_20171028 | B lymphocyte from human | ||
HRI290971 | LCL7 | male | HRS461831 | FDU_Quartet_DNA_F7_20160806 | B lymphocyte from human |
male | HRS461835 | FDU_Quartet_DNA_F7_20171028 | B lymphocyte from human | ||
HRI290972 | LCL8 | female | HRS461832 | FDU_Quartet_DNA_M8_20160806 | B lymphocyte from human |
female | HRS461836 | FDU_Quartet_DNA_M8_20171028 | B lymphocyte from human | ||
HRI290973 | BLD5 | female | HRS461837 | BLD5 | Blood from human |
HRI290974 | BLD6 | female | HRS461838 | BLD6 | Blood from human |
Run accession | Files | Experiment | Experiment title | Platform | Sample |
Run accession | Files | Experiment | Experiment title | Platform | Sample |
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