Spatially-resolved expression landscape and gene-regulatory network of human gastric corpus epithelium
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Molecular knowledge of human gastric corpus epithelium remains incomplete. Here, by integrated analyses using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), spatial transcriptomics and single-cell assay for transposase accessible chromatin sequencing (scATAC-seq) techniques, we uncovered the spatially-resolved expression landscape and gene-regulatory network of human gastric corpus epithelium. Specifically, we identified a stem/progenitor cell population in the isthmus of human gastric corpus, where EGF and WNT signaling pathways were activated. Meanwhile, LGR4, but not LGR5, was responsible for the activation of WNT signaling pathway. Importantly, FABP5 and NME1 were identified and validated crucial for both normal gastric stem/progenitor cells and gastric cancer cells. Finally, we explored the epigenetic regulation of critical genes for gastric corpus epithelium at chromatin state level, and identified several important cell type specific transcription factors.
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Open access
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Human gastric corpus epithelium cell atlas
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Submitter:   Tang Fuchou /
Organization:   Peking University
Submission date:   2022-08-21