e.g., HRA000087; HRA000150
Accession HRR222797
title NP8
Study accession HRA000772
Individual HRI099441
Sample HRS162332
Experiment HRX183908
Data Blocks
Archived file name File type File size(GB) Download
HRR222797_f1.fastq.gz fastq 16.38 FTP HTTPS
HRR222797_r2.fastq.gz fastq 25.39 FTP HTTPS

HTTPS download speed may be slow,It is highly recommended that you download the dataset using a dedicated FTP tool (such as FileZilla Client).

Release date 2022-08-03
Submitter Wei  Lv  (lili20020615@sina.com)
Organization Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
Submission date 2021-04-09