Experiment information
Accession CRX708097
Organism Sus scrofa
Title RC-6
BioProject PRJCA017063
BioSample SAMC1255221
Platform Illumina NovaSeq 6000
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
Qualified genomic DNA was randomly interrupted with enzymes, then terminal repair was performed, an A-tail was added, and Illumina sequencing splices were added using the NEBNextMLtraDNA Library Prep Kit (NEB,USA). 300-400bp DNA fragments were amplified and enriched by PCR. Finally, the PCR products were purified by AMPure XP system (Beckman Coulter.Brea.CA.USA). Sequencing libraries were examined using Agilent 210g biological analyzer (Agilent, Santa Clara,CA) and quantified using real-time PCR. The sequencing was performed on the Novaseq 6000 sequencer, using the PE 200 sequencing strategy. WGS GENOMIC PolyA PAIRED
Processing Planned read length (bp) for mate 1: 150
Planned read length (bp) for mate 2: 150
Release date2023-06-30
Run accession Run data file information
File nameFile size (MB)
CRR789178 CRR789178_f1.fq.gz
Submitterhaonan yuan (hnyuan1101@163.com)
OrganizationGansu Agricultural University
Date submitted2023-05-22