Scientific Name
Anas platyrhynchos
Common Names
duck, mallard duck, mallard ducks; mallard; Anas boschas, Anas domesticus, Anas platyrhynchos f. domestica
Accession No.
GWH reannotation accession
GSA raw reads
GVM variations of the species
8,342,394 (SNP), 1,509,678 (Indel)
Submitter Organization
Collage of Animal Science and Technology, Yangzhou University
Guobin Chang,
Sequence author(s)
Guobin Chang
Released Date
Assembly Level
Draft genome in chromosome level
Genome Representation
Full Genome
Assembly method
SOAPdenovo 1.0
Sequencing & coverage
PacBio 252.24
Guobin Chang, et al. The First Crested Duck Genome Reveals Clues to Genetic Compensation and CrestCushion Formation. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics. 2023, 21(3): 483-500.
Assembly Accession GWH Reannotation Accession Assembly Name Assembly Level Released Date Download Files
GWHAAZG00000000 - Chinese crested duck_v1 Draft genome in chromosome level 2021-09-09 DNA GFF RNA Protein

Statistics of Genome Assembly

Genome size (bp) 1,126,211,418
GC content 41.82%
Chromosomes sequence No. 38
Genome sequence No. 861
Maximum genome sequence length (bp) 195,240,008
Minimum genome sequence length (bp) 211
Average genome sequence length (bp) 1,308,027
Genome sequence N50 (bp) 73,735,783
Genome sequence N90 (bp) 7,382,291
Annotation of Whole Genome Assembly
Protein Total
Chromosome 16,696 16,696
Others 729 729
Total 17,425 17,425
Annotation Details
ChrID Protein Total
chr1 2,236 2,236
chr10 505 505
chr11 371 371
chr12 458 458
chr13 431 431
chr14 396 396
chr15 393 393
chr16 446 446
chr17 375 375
chr18 394 394
chr19 346 346
chr2 1,078 1,078
chr20 330 330
chr21 346 346
chr22 273 273
chr23 270 270
chr24 178 178
chr25 296 296
chr26 277 277
chr27 322 322
chr28 215 215
chr29 257 257
chr3 1,295 1,295
chr30 205 205
chr31 53 53
chr32 66 66
chr33 12 12
chr34 6 6
chr35 40 40
chr36 38 38
chr37 27 27
chr4 897 897
chr5 1,040 1,040
chr6 544 544
chr7 594 594
chr8 551 551
chr9 400 400
chrZ 735 735
Others 729 729
Total 17,425 17,425