Validation and depth evaluation of low-pass genome sequencing in prenatal diagnosis using 387 amniotic fluid samples


Title Validation and depth evaluation of low-pass genome sequencing in prenatal diagnosis using 387 amniotic fluid samples
Description We compared the performance of LP GS with CMA on 375 samples of amniotic fluid, evaluated the effect of sequencing depth on the performance by downsampling, and then re-evaluated the performance of LP GS in prenatal diagnosis with optimized UAHR
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Clinical Research data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA011811
Release Date 2023-09-13
Submitter Minyue Dong (
Organization Women's hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Submission Date 2022-09-13
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX001825-01 Overview of sequencing data of 387 amniocentesis samples. 387 Clinical Research data 3.0 MB xlsx 0 Controlled
OMIX001825-02 Flowchart of the study design 387 Clinical Research data 1.1 MB tif 0 Controlled
OMIX001825-03 Validation of the discordant pathogenic CNV detected by CMA and LP GS 387 Clinical Research data 460.3 KB tif 0 Controlled
OMIX001825-04 Depth evaluation of LP GS 387 Clinical Research data 545.6 KB tif 0 Controlled
OMIX001825-05 The overall detection sensitivity of LP GS for 125 samples with concordant positive results (10 aneuploids and 145 CNVs) 125 Clinical Research data 248.3 KB tif 0 Controlled
OMIX001825-06 Median number of CNVs to be interpreted 387 Clinical Research data 220.7 KB tif 0 Controlled

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