3D structures of proteins encoded by mitochondrial genes before and after RNA editing


Title 3D structures of proteins encoded by mitochondrial genes before and after RNA editing
Description The protein sequneces of mitochondrial genes before RNA editing derived from NCBI. Based on RNA editing sites identified in our study, we changed amino acids corresponding to these editing sites in these obtained protein sequences before RNA editing by our scripts, and got protein sequences after RNA editing. Furthermore, we used ColabFold invoking AlphaFold2 to predict 3D structures of proteins corresponding to these sequences before and after RNA editing. As a result, ZIP compressed files including ".pdb" files and other related files are obtained and can be used for the visualization of protein structures.
Organism Oryza sativa
Data Type Protein 3D Structure Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA012959
Release Date 2024-05-29
Submitter Ming Chen (
Organization Beijing Institute of Genomics Chinese Academy of Sciences (China National Center for Bioinformation)
Submission Date 2024-05-28
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OMIX006521-01 Protein structures encoded by mitochondrial genes before and after RNA editing 50 Protein 3D Structure Data 310.23 MB zip 0

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