Study of the Influence of Preprint in bioRχiv for Peer Review and Acceptance Time of PLOS ONE

Hiroyuki, T.; Yuan, S.; Masaki, N.; Xiaomin, L.; Kou, A.


This study examines the relation between acceptance times in preprint publishing and journal publishing. Specifically, we investigated the association between a papers posting time to bioR{chi}iv, a preprints server, and journal articles peer-review and acceptance time for PLOS ONE. So far, of the total papers published in 1,626 academic journals, the average publication rate of those posted in bioR{chi}iv is 40.67%. Meanwhile, PLOS ONE was the journal that published more papers. Analysis of peer-review and acceptance time of papers published in journals via preprints showed the time these papers are posted in relation to these intervals. The median of the peer-review and acceptance time of the journal submission date that was later than the date of first posting to bioR{chi}iv was 110.00 days, and in the reverse case, it was 139.50 days. Posting to the preprint server before journal submission shows a better order than vice versa. This study provides us a good understanding of the peer-review process. It also gives us good insights into optimizing this process, which would then facilitate paper publication and knowledge dissemination.

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0journalpaperstimeacceptancepeer-reviewbioR{chi}ivPLOSpublishedstudyrelationpreprintpublishingpostingpreprintsserverONEjournalspublicationpostedsubmissiondatedaysusgoodprocessexaminestimesSpecificallyinvestigatedassociationarticlesfartotal1626academicaveragerate4067%MeanwhileAnalysisviashowedintervalsmedianlaterfirst11000reversecase13950PostingshowsbetterorderviceversaprovidesunderstandingalsogivesinsightsoptimizingfacilitatepaperknowledgedisseminationStudyInfluencePreprintbioRχivPeerReviewAcceptanceTimeONEnull

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