Meta-analysis reveals that sexual signalling in animals is honest and resource-based

Dougherty, L. R.


Animals often need to signal to attract mates, and sexual signalling may impose significant energetic and fitness costs to signallers. Consequently, individuals should strategically adjust signalling effort in order to maximise the fitness payoffs of signalling. An important determinant of these payoffs is individual state, which can influence the resources available to signallers, the likelihood of mating, and the motivation to mate. However, empirical studies often find contradictory patterns of state-based signalling. For example, some studies find that individuals in poor condition signal less, in order to conserve resources (ability-based signalling). In other cases, individuals in poor condition signal more, in order to maximise short-term reproductive success (needs-based signalling). I used meta-analysis to examine animal sexual signalling behaviour in relation to six aspects of individual state: age, mated status, attractiveness, body size, condition, and parasite load. Across 228 studies and 147 species, individuals (who were overwhelmingly male) signalled significantly more when in good condition, and there was a strong positive trend for increased signalling for large, attractive individuals with a low parasite load. Overall, this suggests that animal sexual signalling behaviour is generally honest and ability-based. However, needs-based signalling (terminal investment) was found when considering age, with old virgins signalling more than young virgins. Sexual signalling was not significantly influenced by mated status. There was a large amount of heterogeneity across studies that remained unexplained, and therefore more work is needed to determine the ecological factors influencing the magnitude and direction of state-dependent sexual signalling.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0signallingsexualindividualsstudiesconditionsignalorderoftenfitnesssignallersmaximisepayoffsindividualresourcesHoweverfindpoorability-basedneeds-basedanimalbehaviouragematedstatusparasiteloadsignificantlylargehonestvirginsAnimalsneedattractmatesmayimposesignificantenergeticcostsConsequentlystrategicallyadjusteffortimportantdeterminantstatecaninfluenceavailablelikelihoodmatingmotivationmateempiricalcontradictorypatternsstate-basedexamplelessconservecasesshort-termreproductivesuccessusedmeta-analysisexaminerelationsixaspectsstate:attractivenessbodysizeAcross228147speciesoverwhelminglymalesignalledgoodstrongpositivetrendincreasedattractivelowOverallsuggestsgenerallyterminalinvestmentfoundconsideringoldyoungSexualinfluencedamountheterogeneityacrossremainedunexplainedthereforeworkneededdetermineecologicalfactorsinfluencingmagnitudedirectionstate-dependentMeta-analysisrevealsanimalsresource-basednull

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