An inside look at a biofilm: Pseudomonas aeruginosa flagella bio-tracking

Ozer, E.; Yaniv, K.; Shetrit, E.; Boyarski, A.; Meijler, M.; Berkovich, R.; Kushmaro, A.; Alfonta, L.


The opportunistic pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a flagellated bacterium, is one of the top model organisms for studying biofilm formation. In order to elucidate the role of the bacteria flagella in biofilm formation, we developed a new tool for flagella bio-tracking. We have site-specifically labeled the bacterial flagella by incorporating an unnatural amino acid into the flagella monomer via genetic code expansion. This enabled us to label and track the bacterial flagella during biofilm maturation. Direct, live imaging revealed for the first-time presence and synthesis of flagella throughout the biofilm lifecycle. To ascertain the possible role of the flagella in the strength of a biofilm we produced a "flagella knockout" strain and compared its biofilm to that of the wild type strain. Results showed a one order of magnitude stronger biofilm structure in the wild type in comparison to the flagella knockout strain. This suggests a newly discovered structural role for bacterial flagella in biofilm structure, possibly acting as a scaffold. Based on our findings we suggest a new model for biofilm maturation dynamic and underscore the importance of direct evidence from within the biofilm.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0biofilmflagellarolebacterialstrainPseudomonasaeruginosaonemodelformationordernewmaturationwildtypestructureopportunisticpathogenflagellatedbacteriumtoporganismsstudyingelucidatebacteriadevelopedtoolbio-trackingsite-specificallylabeledincorporatingunnaturalaminoacidmonomerviageneticcodeexpansionenableduslabeltrackDirectliveimagingrevealedfirst-timepresencesynthesisthroughoutlifecycleascertainpossiblestrengthproduced"flagellaknockout"comparedResultsshowedmagnitudestrongercomparisonknockoutsuggestsnewlydiscoveredstructuralpossiblyactingscaffoldBasedfindingssuggestdynamicunderscoreimportancedirectevidencewithininsidelookbiofilm:bio-trackingnull

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