Identification of candidate causal cis-regulatory variants underlying electrocardiographic QT interval GWAS loci

Kapoor, A.


Identifying causal variants among tens or hundreds of associated variants at each locus mapped by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of complex traits is a challenge. As vast majority of GWAS variants are noncoding, sequence variation at cis-regulatory elements affecting transcriptional expression of specific genes is a widely accepted molecular hypothesis. Following this cis-regulatory hypothesis and combining it with the observation that nucleosome-free open chromatin is a universal hallmark of all types of cis-regulatory elements, we aimed to identify candidate causal regulatory variants underlying electrocardiographic QT interval GWAS loci. At a dozen loci, selected for higher effect sizes and a better understanding of the likely causal gene, we identified and included all common variants in high linkage disequilibrium with the GWAS variants as candidate variants. Using ENCODE DNase-seq and ATAC-seq from multiple human adult cardiac left ventricle tissue samples, we generated genome-wide maps of open chromatin regions marking putative regulatory elements. QT interval associated candidate variants were filtered for overlap with cardiac left ventricle open chromatin regions to identify candidate causal cis-regulatory variants, which were further assessed for colocalizing with a known cardiac GTEx expression quantitative trait locus variant as additional evidence for their causal role. Together, these efforts have generated a comprehensive set of candidate causal variants that are expected to be enriched for cis-regulatory potential and thereby, explaining the observed genetic associations.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0variantscausalcis-regulatorycandidateGWASelementsopenchromatinQTintervalcardiacassociatedlocusgenome-wideexpressionhypothesisidentifyregulatoryunderlyingelectrocardiographiclocileftventriclegeneratedregionsIdentifyingamongtenshundredsmappedassociationstudiescomplextraitschallengevastmajoritynoncodingsequencevariationaffectingtranscriptionalspecificgeneswidelyacceptedmolecularFollowingcombiningobservationnucleosome-freeuniversalhallmarktypesaimeddozenselectedhighereffectsizesbetterunderstandinglikelygeneidentifiedincludedcommonhighlinkagedisequilibriumUsingENCODEDNase-seqATAC-seqmultiplehumanadulttissuesamplesmapsmarkingputativefilteredoverlapassessedcolocalizingknownGTExquantitativetraitvariantadditionalevidenceroleTogethereffortscomprehensivesetexpectedenrichedpotentialtherebyexplainingobservedgeneticassociationsIdentificationlocinull

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