Non-coding Transcriptome Maps Across Twenty Tissues of the Korean Black Chicken, Yeonsan Ogye

Hong, H.; Chai, H.-H.; Nam, K.; Lim, D.; Lee, K.-T.; Do, Y. J.; Cho, C.-Y.; Nam, J.-W.


The Yeonsan Ogye (Ogye) is a rare Korean domestic chicken breed, the entire body of which, including its feathers and skin, has a unique black coloring. Although some protein-coding genes related to this unique feature have been examined, non-coding elements have not been globally investigated. In this study, high-throughput RNA sequencing and DNA methylation sequencing were performed to dissect the expression landscape of 14,264 Ogye protein-coding and 6900 long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) genes along with DNA methylation landscape in twenty different Ogye tissues. About 75% of Ogye lncRNAs showed tissue-specific expression whereas about 45% of protein-coding genes did. For some genes, the tissue-specific expression levels were inversely correlated with DNA methylation levels in their promoters. About 39% of the tissue-specific lncRNAs displayed functional association with proximal or distal protein-coding genes. In particular, heat shock transcription factor 2 (HSF2)-associated lncRNAs were discovered to be functionally linked to protein-coding genes that are specifically expressed in black skin tissues, tended to be more syntenically conserved in mammals, and were differentially expressed in black tissues relative to white tissues. Our results not only facilitate understanding how the non-coding genome regulates unique phenotypes but also should be of use for future genomic breeding of chickens.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0genesOgyeprotein-codingtissuesuniqueblacknon-codingDNAmethylationexpressionlncRNAstissue-specificYeonsanKoreanskinRNAsequencinglandscapelevelsexpressedraredomesticchickenbreedentirebodyincludingfeatherscoloringAlthoughrelatedfeatureexaminedelementsgloballyinvestigatedstudyhigh-throughputperformeddissect142646900longlncRNAalongtwentydifferent75%showedwhereas45%inverselycorrelatedpromoters39%displayedfunctionalassociationproximaldistalparticularheatshocktranscriptionfactor2HSF2-associateddiscoveredfunctionallylinkedspecificallytendedsyntenicallyconservedmammalsdifferentiallyrelativewhiteresultsfacilitateunderstandinggenomeregulatesphenotypesalsousefuturegenomicbreedingchickensNon-codingTranscriptomeMapsAcrossTwentyTissuesBlackChickenOgyenull

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