Genomic Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis and Bayesian network to characterize a wide spectrum of rice phenotypes

Yu, H.; Campbell, M. T.; Zhang, Q.; Walia, H.; Morota, G.


Drawing biological inferences from large data generated to dissect the genetic basis of complex traits remains a challenge. Since multiple phenotypes likely share mutual relationships, elucidating the interdependencies among economically important traits can accelerate the genetic improvement of plants and animals. A Bayesian network depicts a probabilistic directed acyclic graph representing conditional dependencies among variables. This study aims to characterize various phenotypes in rice (Oryza sativa) via confirmatory factor analysis and Bayesian network. Confirmatory factor analysis under the Bayesian treatment hypothesized that 48 observed phenotypes resulted from six latent variables including grain morphology, morphology, flowering time, physiology (e.g., ion content), yield, and morphological salt response. This was followed by studying the genetics of each latent variable. Bayesian network structures involving the genomic component of six latent variables were established by fitting four different algorithms. Negative genomic correlations were obtained between salt response and yield, salt response and grain morphology, salt response and physiology, and morphology and yield, whereas a positive correlation was obtained between yield and grain morphology. There were four common directed edges across the different Bayesian networks. Physiological components influenced the flowering time and grain morphology, and morphology and 4 grain morphology influenced yield. This work suggests that the Bayesian network coupled with factor analysis can provide an effective approach to understand the interdependence patterns among phenotypes and to predict the potential influence of external interventions or selection related to target traits in the high-dimensional interrelated complex traits systems.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0BayesianmorphologynetworkgrainyieldtraitsphenotypesfactoranalysissaltresponseamongvariableslatentgeneticcomplexcandirectedcharacterizericeconfirmatorysixfloweringtimephysiologygenomicfourdifferentobtainedinfluencedDrawingbiologicalinferenceslargedatagenerateddissectbasisremainschallengeSincemultiplelikelysharemutualrelationshipselucidatinginterdependencieseconomicallyimportantaccelerateimprovementplantsanimalsdepictsprobabilisticacyclicgraphrepresentingconditionaldependenciesstudyaimsvariousOryzasativaviaConfirmatorytreatmenthypothesized48observedresultedincludingegioncontentmorphologicalfollowedstudyinggeneticsvariablestructuresinvolvingcomponentestablishedfittingalgorithmsNegativecorrelationswhereaspositivecorrelationcommonedgesacrossnetworksPhysiologicalcomponents4worksuggestscoupledprovideeffectiveapproachunderstandinterdependencepatternspredictpotentialinfluenceexternalinterventionsselectionrelatedtargethigh-dimensionalinterrelatedsystemsGenomicwidespectrumphenotypesnull

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