Association Between HIV PrEP Indications and Use in a National Sexual Network Study of Men Who Have Sex with Men

Weiss, K. M.; Prasad, P.; Sanchez, T.; Goodreau, S. M.; Jenness, S. M.


BackgroundHIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is effective in preventing HIV transmission. US Public Health Service (USPHS) clinical practice guidelines define biobehavioral indications for initiation. To assess guideline implementation, it is critical to quantify PrEP non-users who are indicated and PrEP users who are not indicated.

MethodsUsing data from a national web-based study of men who have sex with men (MSM) between 2017 and 2019, we estimated the association between PrEP use and PrEP indications. Log-binomial regression was used to estimate the relationship between PrEP indications and PrEP use, adjusted for geography and demographics.

ResultsOf 3508 sexually active, HIV-negative MSM, 34% met indications for PrEP. The proportion with current PrEP use was 32% among those meeting indications and 11% among those without indications. Nearly 40% of those currently using PrEP did not meet indications for PrEP, and 68% of MSM with indications for PrEP were not currently using PrEP. After adjusting for geography and demographics, MSM with PrEP indications were about 3 times as likely to be currently using PrEP. This association varied slightly by geography and demography.

ConclusionsIndications for PrEP strongly predicted current PrEP use among MSM. However, we identified substantial misalignment between indications and use in both directions (indicated MSM who were not benefitting from PrEP, and MSM taking PrEP while not presently being indicated). This calls for further implementation efforts to improve PrEP delivery to those most in need during periods of elevated sexual risk.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0PrEPindicationsMSMuseindicatedgeographyamongcurrentlyusingHIVimplementationmenassociationdemographicscurrentBackgroundHIVpreexposureprophylaxiseffectivepreventingtransmissionUSPublicHealthServiceUSPHSclinicalpracticeguidelinesdefinebiobehavioralinitiationassessguidelinecriticalquantifynon-usersusersMethodsUsingdatanationalweb-basedstudysex20172019estimatedLog-binomialregressionusedestimaterelationshipadjustedResultsOf3508sexuallyactiveHIV-negative34%metproportion32%meeting11%withoutNearly40%meet68%adjusting3timeslikelyvariedslightlydemographyConclusionsIndicationsstronglypredictedHoweveridentifiedsubstantialmisalignmentdirectionsbenefittingtakingpresentlycallseffortsimprovedeliveryneedperiodselevatedsexualriskAssociationIndicationsUseNationalSexualNetworkStudyMenSexMennull

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