Chronic kidney disease in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: Protocol for a systematic review of diagnostic and prognostic models

Ascencio, E. J.; Aparcana-Granda, D. J.; Carrillo-Larco, R. M.


BackgroundChronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a highly prevalent condition with a large disease burden globally. In low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) the CKD screening challenges the health system. This systematic and comprehensive search of all CKD diagnostic and prognostic models in LMIC will inform screening strategies in LMIC following a risk-based approach.

ObjectiveTo summarize all multivariate diagnostic and prognostic models for CKD in adults in LMIC.

MethodsSystematic review. Without date or language restrictions we will search Embase, Medline, Global Health (these three through Ovid), SCOPUS and Web of Science. We seek multivariable diagnostic or prognostic models which included a random sample of the general population. We will screen titles and abstracts; we will then study the selected reports. Both phases will be done by two reviewers independently. Data extraction will be performed by two researchers independently using a pre-specified Excel form (CHARMS model). We will evaluate the risk of bias with the PROBAST tool.

ConclusionThis systematic review will provide the most comprehensive list and critical appraisal of diagnostic and prognostic models for CKD available for the general population in LMIC. This evidence could inform policies and interventions to improve CKD screening in LMIC following a risk-based approach, maximizing limited resources and reaching populations with limited access to CKD screening tests. This systematic review will also reveal methodological limitations and research needs to improve CKD diagnostic and prognostic models in LMIC.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0willCKDLMICdiagnosticprognosticmodelsscreeningsystematicreviewdiseasecomprehensivesearchinformfollowingrisk-basedapproachgeneralpopulationtwoindependentlyimprovelimitedBackgroundChronicKidneyDiseasehighlyprevalentconditionlargeburdengloballylow-middle-incomecountrieschallengeshealthsystemstrategiesObjectiveTosummarizemultivariateadultsMethodsSystematicWithoutdatelanguagerestrictionsEmbaseMedlineGlobalHealththreeOvidSCOPUSWebScienceseekmultivariableincludedrandomsamplescreentitlesabstractsstudyselectedreportsphasesdonereviewersDataextractionperformedresearchersusingpre-specifiedExcelformCHARMSmodelevaluateriskbiasPROBASTtoolConclusionThisprovidelistcriticalappraisalavailableevidencepoliciesinterventionsmaximizingresourcesreachingpopulationsaccesstestsalsorevealmethodologicallimitationsresearchneedsChronickidneyLow-Middle-IncomeCountries:Protocolmodelsnull

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