Intention and preference for long-acting injectable PrEP among MSM in the Netherlands: a diffusion of innovation approach

Wang, H.; Zimmermann, H. M. L.; van de Vijver, D.; Jonas, K. J.


Long-acting injectable PrEP (LAI-PrEP) is efficacious in preventing HIV among MSM and will be soon available in Europe. This study investigates the intention to use LAI-PrEP among MSM in the Netherlands by employing a diffusion of innovation approach, comparing PrEP naive, discontinued MSM, oral PrEP early adopters and majority users. 309 MSM were surveyed on their intention and preference of LAI-PrEP. 83% showed high/very-high interest of, and 63% showed high/very-high intention to use LAI-PrEP. Early-adopters of oral PrEP use did not show increased intention to use LAI-PrEP and neither did PrEP naive nor PrEP discontinued MSM, indicating a missing innovator effect for LAI-PrEP. Among the 218 current oral PrEP users, suboptimal oral PrEP adherence determined LAI-PrEP preference but did not determine LAI-PrEP intention. To reach the full potential of LAI-PrEP, a targeted strategy towards current oral PrEP users with suboptimal adherence seems indicated.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0PrEPLAI-PrEPMSMintentionoraluseamonguserspreferenceinjectablediffusioninnovationnaivediscontinuedshowedhigh/very-highcurrentsuboptimaladherenceLong-actingefficaciouspreventingHIVwillsoonavailableEuropestudyinvestigatesNetherlandsemployingapproachcomparingearlyadoptersmajority309surveyed83%interest63%Early-adoptersshowincreasedneitherindicatingmissinginnovatoreffectAmong218determineddeterminereachfullpotentialtargetedstrategytowardsseemsindicatedIntentionlong-actingNetherlands:approachnull

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