Global, regional, and national levels and trends in burden of urticaria: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease 2019 study

Pu, Y.; He, L.; Wang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, S.; Fan, J.


Background: Urticaria causes a significant burden on individuals and society due to its pervasiveness. The aim of this study was to evaluate the burden of urticaria in different regions and nations by analyzing data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (GBD 2019) to provide a reference for healthcare policymakers. Methods: Using the GBD 2019 database, this study analyzed incidence, prevalence, disability-adjusted life year (DALY), and corresponding ASRs and EAPC globally and in 204 countries and regions, and stratified the data by age, sex, and sociodemographic index (SDI). Results: In 2019, the global incidence cases of urticaria increased to 114708912.2, the prevalence cases increased to 65139886.6, and the global DALY burden increased to 3898838.6. The distribution of the burden was markedly geographically heterogeneous. Burden indicators were generally higher in females than in males. There was a slight positive correlation between urticaria burden and regional SDI. Interpretation: The burden of urticaria has been increasing globally from 1990 to 2019. This study identified multiple determinants that influence the burden of urticaria, such as geographic location and SDI. Despite the limitations of the GBD 2019 data, these discoveries provide a valuable resource for the development of future public health strategies aimed at reducing the burden of urticaria.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0burden2019urticariastudydataGBDSDIglobalincreasedregionsGlobalBurdenprovideincidenceprevalenceDALYgloballycases6regionalBackground:UrticariacausessignificantindividualssocietyduepervasivenessaimevaluatedifferentnationsanalyzingDiseaseStudyreferencehealthcarepolicymakersMethods:Usingdatabaseanalyzeddisability-adjustedlifeyearcorrespondingASRsEAPC204countriesstratifiedagesexsociodemographicindexResults:1147089122651398863898838distributionmarkedlygeographicallyheterogeneousindicatorsgenerallyhigherfemalesmalesslightpositivecorrelationInterpretation:increasing1990identifiedmultipledeterminantsinfluencegeographiclocationDespitelimitationsdiscoveriesvaluableresourcedevelopmentfuturepublichealthstrategiesaimedreducingnationallevelstrendsurticaria:systematicanalysisdiseasestudynull

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