[World health-related indicators].

W P Logan
Author Information


Many of the statistics given in this report are estimates based on tentative data and on that extent are not reliable in a strict sense. But the picture they present of gross differences in demographic and social characteristics, in vital statistics, and in resources of medical manpower and hospital beds between major areas of the world is real. More than half of the people of the world live in South Asia and East Asia; population density is highest in Western Europe; and highest rates of population growth are in Middle America and Tropical South America. In Europe less than one-third of the population are aged under 20 years, whereas more than half the population are aged under 20 im Middle and Tropical South America and the Carribbean, in Africa and in South Asia. Urbanization is high in Temperate South America, Northern America, Northern and Western Europe, and Oceania. The daily dietary energy supply per person is 50% higher in Northern America, Europe, USSR, and Ocenia than in Africa (excluding Southern Africa, South and East Asia. The Gross National Product in Northern America is 10 times higher than in Tropical South America and 30 to 40 times higher than in Western Middle and Eastern Africa and in Middle South and South East Asia. Crude birth rates are close to three times higher in Africa, Middle America and South Asia than in Europe, North America and USSR. Differences in crude death rates are less--rates in Western, Middle and Eastern Africa are double these of America Europe, USSR and Oceania. The Expectation of Life is over 70 years for Northern America, Europe, USSR and Oceania. It is under 50 years for Western, Middle and Eastern Africa. In all areas the expectation of life at birth has increased--by up to 10 years--in the past quarter century. Infant mortality is less than 20 per 1 000 in Northern and Western Europe and Northern America. It is over 100 in Africa and South Asia. Number of physicians range from 25 per 10 000 population in USSR to less than 1 per 10 000 in Western, Middle and Eastern Africa. There are over 100 hospital beds per 10 000 population in USSR and in Northern and Western Europe, less than 10 per 10 000 in Western Africa, Middle South Asia and South East Asia.

MeSH Term

Age Factors
Birth Rate
Food Supply
Health Status Indicators
Health Surveys
Hospital Bed Capacity
Infant Mortality
Life Expectancy
Nurse Midwives
Population Density
Urban Population
World Health Organization

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0SouthAmericaAfricaAsiaWesternEuropeMiddleNorthern10populationperUSSR000EastlesshigherEasternratesTropical20yearsOceaniatimesstatisticshospitalbedsareasworldhalfhighestagedbirth1100Manygivenreportestimatesbasedtentativedataextentreliablestrictsensepicturepresentgrossdifferencesdemographicsocialcharacteristicsvitalresourcesmedicalmanpowermajorrealpeoplelivedensitygrowthone-thirdwhereasimCarribbeanUrbanizationhighTemperatedailydietaryenergysupplyperson50%OceniaexcludingSouthernGrossNationalProduct3040CrudeclosethreeNorthDifferencescrudedeathless--ratesdoubleExpectationLife7050expectationlifeincreased--byyears--inpastquartercenturyInfantmortalityNumberphysiciansrange25[Worldhealth-relatedindicators]

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