[Endoscopic study of the uterine cavity. II. Hysteroscopy in uterine adhesions].

X López del Campo, C Fernández Ossadey
Author Information
  1. X López del Campo: Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


The hysteroscopic study and treatment of 136 infertile patients with synechiae of the uterine cavity and/or cervix is presented. The preoperative diagnosis was established by hysterosalpingography. The correlation between the diagnosis by hysterosalpingography and hysteroscopy was 72% for synechiae of the cervix; 73% for mild synechiae; 83.3% for moderate synechiae and 75% for severe synechiae of the uterine cavity. All findings of synechiae were treated hysteroscopically. The history of abortion and puerperal infection were among the most commonly found amnestic data related to the genesis of synechiae. The pregnancy rate was 70%, and 87.5% delivered term pregnancies in patients who did not have other associated factors of infertility.

MeSH Term

Anesthesia, General
Infertility, Female
Tissue Adhesions
Uterine Diseases

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0synechiaeuterinecavitystudypatientscervixdiagnosishysterosalpingographyhysteroscopictreatment136infertileand/orpresentedpreoperativeestablishedcorrelationhysteroscopy72%73%mild833%moderate75%severefindingstreatedhysteroscopicallyhistoryabortionpuerperalinfectionamongcommonlyfoundamnesticdatarelatedgenesispregnancyrate70%875%deliveredtermpregnanciesassociatedfactorsinfertility[EndoscopicIIHysteroscopyadhesions]

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