Role of reactive oxygen species in biological processes.

H Sies
Author Information
  1. H Sies: Institut für Physiologische Chemie I, Universität Düsseldorf.


The steady-state formation of prooxidants in cells and organs is balanced by a similar rate of their consumption by antioxidants that are enzymatic and/or nonenzymatic. "Oxidative stress" results from imbalance in this prooxidant-antioxidant equilibrium in favor of the prooxidants. A number of diseases are associated with oxidative stress, being the basis of a potential antioxidant therapy. However, current evidence in clinical research does not show unequivocal distinction between causal or associative relationships of proxidants to the disease process.


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MeSH Term

Free Radicals
Nitric Oxide


Free Radicals
Nitric Oxide

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0prooxidantssteady-stateformationcellsorgansbalancedsimilarrateconsumptionantioxidantsenzymaticand/ornonenzymatic"Oxidativestress"resultsimbalanceprooxidant-antioxidantequilibriumfavornumberdiseasesassociatedoxidativestressbasispotentialantioxidanttherapyHowevercurrentevidenceclinicalresearchshowunequivocaldistinctioncausalassociativerelationshipsproxidantsdiseaseprocessRolereactiveoxygenspeciesbiologicalprocesses

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