Isolation and characterization of two coho salmon gonadotropins, GTH I and GTH II.

P Swanson, K Suzuki, H Kawauchi, W W Dickhoff
Author Information
  1. P Swanson: School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle 98195.


Two gonadotropins, GTH I and GTH II, were isolated from pituitaries of spawning coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) using sequential extractions with ammonium acetate (pH 9.0) and 40% ethanol, precipitation with 80% ethanol, gel filtration chromatography (Sephadex G-100), anion-exchange chromatography (Mono-Q Sepharose), and gel filtration chromatography (Sephadex G-75). Coho salmon GTH I and GTH II stimulated steroidogenesis in vitro in a similar dose-dependent manner when incubated with either ovaries or testes of prepubertal coho salmon. An in vivo bioassay using coho salmon parr demonstrated that coho salmon GTH I and GTH II did not contain thyrotropic activity. Molecular weights were estimated by gel filtration chromatography to be 43,000 and 39,000 for GTH I and GTH II, respectively. Analysis of coho salmon GTH I and GTH II on reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (rpHPLC) revealed that they consist of alpha and beta subunits with N-terminal amino acid residues of Tyr, Gly (alpha, beta of GTH I) and Tyr,Ser (alpha, beta of GTH II). Coho salmon GTH I-beta and GTH II-beta differed from each other in amino acid composition, N-terminal amino acids (Gly vs. Ser), and molecular weights in SDS-PAGE (19,000 vs. 20,000) and had a high degree of chemical similarity to chum salmon GTH I-beta and GTH II-beta, respectively. Specific rabbit antisera to the beta subunits of coho salmon GTH I and GTH II were generated. The observation of two GTHs with distinctly different chemical characteristics in coho salmon is similar to what has previously been found in chum salmon.

MeSH Term

Amino Acids
Gonadotropins, Pituitary
Molecular Weight


Amino Acids
Gonadotropins, Pituitary
gonadotropin- pituitary, beta-subunit I, salmon

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0GTHsalmonIIcohochromatography000betagelfiltrationalphaaminogonadotropinsusingethanolSephadexCohosimilarweightsrespectivelysubunitsN-terminalacidTyrGlySerI-betaII-betavschemicalchumtwoTwoisolatedpituitariesspawningOncorhynchuskisutchsequentialextractionsammoniumacetatepH9040%precipitation80%G-100anion-exchangeMono-QSepharoseG-75stimulatedsteroidogenesisvitrodose-dependentmannerincubatedeitherovariestestesprepubertalvivobioassayparrdemonstratedcontainthyrotropicactivityMolecularestimated4339Analysisreversed-phasehigh-performanceliquidrpHPLCrevealedconsistresiduesdifferedcompositionacidsmolecularSDS-PAGE1920highdegreesimilaritySpecificrabbitantiserageneratedobservationGTHsdistinctlydifferentcharacteristicspreviouslyfoundIsolationcharacterization

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