- T Yamanishi: Department of Urology, Chiba University, School of Medicine.
A total of 49 patients complaining of pollakisuria and incontinence; 20 patients with overactive neurogenic bladder and 29 patients with stress incontinence, were treated with clenbuterol, and the effects of the drug were studied. Subjective symptoms were improved markedly in 8 patients (17%), moderately in 14 patients (29%), and slightly in 10 patients (21%). The symptoms were unchanged in 15 patients (31%) and aggravated in 1 patient (2%). In objective observation, the volume at first desire to void (P less than 0.01) and the maximum urethral closure pressure (P less than 0.05) significantly increased. The objective symptoms were improved markedly in 2 patients (5%), moderately in 12 patients (27%), and slightly in 11 patients (25%). The symptoms were unchanged in 15 patients (34%) and aggravated in 4 patients (9%). Overall improvement was graded as marked in 7 patients (15%), moderate in 17 patients (35%), slight in 11 patients (23%), unchanged in 13 patients (27%) and aggravated in none. In neurogenic bladder, the overall improvement was graded as marked in 2 patients (11%), moderate in 4 patients (21%), slight in 4 patients (21%), unchanged in 9 patients (47%) and aggravated in none. In stress incontinence, the overall improvement was graded as marked in 5 patients (17%), moderate in 13 patients (45%), slight in 7 patients (24%), unchanged in 4 patients (14%) and aggravated in none. Side effects were noted in 12 patients (25%) and they were all not serious. Finger tremor was the most common side effect (5 patients).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)