[Bone marrow transplantation in acute leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, severe aplastic anemia and stage IV neuroblastoma. Effect of antiviral prevention with anti-CMV-hyperimmunoglobulin and acyclovir].

P Ostendorf, G Ehninger, R Dopfer, H Schmidt, M Haen, H Link, K Sch��ch, C A M��ller, P Wernet, T Klingebiel
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Bone marrow transplantation was performed between IV/82 and X/85 in 64 patients with acute leukemia (n = 36), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML; n = 13), severe aplastic anemia (n = 12), and neuroblastoma stage IV (n = 3). Of these patients 57 received allogeneic marrow from HLA-ABCDR identical, MLC-negative sibling donors. Six transplants were performed with syngenic marrow and one with autologous marrow. Of the 64 patients 48 survived 40-1,250 days after transplantation, resulting in a survival rate (SR) of 75% and a survival probability (SP) of 71%. Of the 36 patients suffering from acute leukemia (SR = 64%, SP = 51%), patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in first complete remission (n = 11; SR = 81%, SP = 76%), as well as patients with acute lymphatic leukemia (ALL) in 1st to 4th complete remission at the time of transplantation (n = 14; SR = 81%, SP = 76%) show a favorable prognosis. A poor survival rate was seen for patients with AML when transplanted in second or partial remission (1/5; SR = 20%), as well as for patients suffering from ALL and transplanted during relapse or partial remission (1/6; SR = 16%). Of 13 patients suffering from CML 12 survived the transplantation free of relapse (SR = 93%, SP = 92%), and one patient died from varicella zoster pneumonia. Of the transplanted patients with severe aplastic anemia, 12 of 13 are surviving with complete hematologic reconstitution; one patient, however, died on day 10 from a sepsis. In our patient group, the SR as well as the SP has been improved through changes in the irradiation protocol concomitant with prophylactic application of anti-CMV hypergammaglobulin, as well as through additional oral medication of Azyklovir. The 41 patients (BMT No. 7-47) with total body irradiation at one time show an SR of 44% and an SP of 41%. The following 46 patients (BMT No. 48-93) have reached an SR of 83% and an SP of 74% under the regimen of fractionated total body irradiation, plus prophylaxis with anti-CMV hypergammaglobulin and Azyklovir. Within this group, no fatal CMV pneumonia was encountered as opposed to six patients lost from CMV pneumonia in the first group.


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MeSH Term

Anemia, Aplastic
Bone Marrow Transplantation
Child, Preschool
Combined Modality Therapy
Cytomegalovirus Infections
Graft vs Host Disease
Immunization, Passive
Leukemia, Lymphoid
Leukemia, Myeloid
Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute
Middle Aged
Neoplasm Staging
Pneumonia, Viral
Postoperative Complications



Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0=patientsSRSPleukemianmarrowtransplantationacuteoneremissionwell13severeaplasticanemia12survivalsufferingcompletetransplantedpatientpneumoniagroupirradiationperformed6436chronicmyelogenousCMLneuroblastomastageIVsurvivedrateAMLfirst81%76%ALLtimeshowpartialrelapsediedanti-CMVhypergammaglobulinAzyklovirBMTtotalbodyCMVBoneIV/82X/85357receivedallogeneicHLA-ABCDRidenticalMLC-negativesiblingdonorsSixtransplantssyngenicautologous4840-1250daysresulting75%probability71%64%51%11lymphatic1st4th14favorableprognosispoorseensecond1/520%1/616%free93%92%varicellazostersurvivinghematologicreconstitutionhoweverday10sepsisimprovedchangesprotocolconcomitantprophylacticapplicationadditionaloralmedication417-4744%41%following4648-93reached83%74%regimenfractionatedplusprophylaxisWithinfatalencounteredopposedsixlost[BonemyeloidEffectantiviralpreventionanti-CMV-hyperimmunoglobulinacyclovir]

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