Gastric emptying curves were studied on normal stomach using liquid food labeled 99mTc-DTPA, in supine position. Three patterns of gastric emptying curves were observed for whole stomach, fundic-body and antral area. In pursuit of gastric emptying movement, association between these emptying curves and stomach forms were analyzed on hook-shaped, horn-shaped, ptotic and cascadal stomachs. Association between T-ration of whole stomach emptying curve and gastric form were also studied and following results were obtained. Three emptying patterns were recognized for whole stomach emptying curve; simple decreasing curve in hook-shaped stomach, shoulder-forming decreasing curve in horn-shaped and ptotic stomachs and shoulder-forming rapid decreasing curve in cascadal stomach. Four patterns were recognized for fundic body emptying curves; simple decreasing curve in hook-shaped stomach, shoulder-forming decreasing curve in horn-shaped stomach, rapid decreasing followed by slow decreasing curve in ptotic stomach and shoulder-forming rapid decreasing curve in cascadal. The difference in emptying curves with respect to types of stomach forms were obvious in fundic body emptying curve rather than that of whole stomach. Two patterns were recognized for antral area, simple decreasing type and increasing then decreasing type. The former was for hook-shaped stomach and the latter was for other three forms. Shoulder formation observed in whole stomach and fundic-body curves was considered that it filled antrum but scarcely emptied to duodenum. It was imperative to refer three emptying curves of whole stomach, fundic-body and antral area for analyzing the gastric emptying. From T-ration viewpoint, emptying was done most swift in cascadal stomach, next hook-shaped stomach, ptotic stomach and horn-shaped stomach, successively.