[Deep frozen fresh plasma in blood component therapy: preparation--quality control--indications].

K Koerner, D Stampe, B Kubanek
Author Information


Fresh frozen plasma is prepared within 6 hrs after collection in a double bag system. A second centrifugation at 4600 x g is necessary to obtain a platelet poor plasma. A special bag freezing system fitted to a conventional cryostat and cooled with ethanol to -50 degrees C was developed to reach the required cooling rate. It is possible to freeze 25 plasma bags simultaneously within 30 min in this new apparatus. Fresh frozen plasma prepared in this manner contains all coagulation factors and inhibitors with almost normal activities. Freezing at -40 degrees C in the air, prolonged storage of the starting material, or insufficient cooling of the frozen product deteriorate its quality. The influence of these variables with the discussed in detail. Indications of fresh frozen plasma, especially for dilution- and posttraumatic consumption coagulopathy as well as liver disease, are presented.

MeSH Term

Blood Preservation
Blood Transfusion
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Liver Diseases

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0plasmafrozenFreshpreparedwithinbagsystemdegreesCcoolingfresh6hrscollectiondoublesecondcentrifugation4600xgnecessaryobtainplateletpoorspecialfreezingfittedconventionalcryostatcooledethanol-50developedreachrequiredratepossiblefreeze25bagssimultaneously30minnewapparatusmannercontainscoagulationfactorsinhibitorsalmostnormalactivitiesFreezing-40airprolongedstoragestartingmaterialinsufficientproductdeterioratequalityinfluencevariablesdiscusseddetailIndicationsespeciallydilution-posttraumaticconsumptioncoagulopathywellliverdiseasepresented[Deepbloodcomponenttherapy:preparation--qualitycontrol--indications]

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